Pharmacology is integral part of Morden Medicine from Drug Discovery to Clinical applications. The Department, comprising of 1 Professor, 1 Associate Professor, and 2 Demonstrators imparting knowledge and are involved in active teaching and Research work. Faculty is constantly encouraged to provide advanced training in various aspects of faculty development programme in teaching and learning.


  • 1. The Department of Pharmacology will impart knowledge according to the latest CBME pattern as recommended by NMC.
  • 2. The Department of Pharmacology will provide high-quality teaching to medical students and other students as needed and encourage them to participate in research activities.


  • 1. To offer Excellent teaching Programme for undergraduate students and to make an undergraduate confident to handle Medical emergencies and to prescribe Rationale Drug Therapy.
  • 2. To motivate students to undertake Research Activities.
  • 3. To establish Research activities that contributes to healing and comfort of the suffering.


1. Dr Ajay Kumar

    Professor & Head Department of Pharmacology, Govt. Medical College, Udhampur
    E-mail: vikeyshuhul76@yahoo.co.in
    Experience: 15 1⁄2 post PG experience

  • 1. Coordinator, Adverse drug reaction Monitoring centre GMC, Udhampur
  • 2. Life member of India Pharmacological Society.
  • 3. Life member, Indian Society for Rational Pharmacotherapeutics.
  • 4. Fellow international medical science association FIMSA
  • 5. Member Secretary IEC GMC, Udhampur
  • 6. Nodal Officer Skills lab GMC, Udhampur

  • 1. Attended International symposium on” Human genomics and public health” and XXXI Annual conference of ISHG-2006 at National centre of applied human genetics SLS JNU New Delhi.
  • 2. Attended National Pediatric Gastroentrology Conference (Mid Term) in 2007 Jammu
  • 3. Attended 40th Annual conference of IPS on “Changing trends in drug discovery and development” at NIPER SAS Nagar Punjab,2007.
  • 4. Attended 13th Annual conference of Indian Menopausal society on Menopause- Horizons &Harmony ,held at GMC jammu ;2008.
  • 5. Attended a medical PEARLWorkshop On Research Methology, medical Statistics & Good Clinical Practice At GMC, Jammu on 2009.
  • 6. Undergone five days training in “RNTCP” at ASCOMS, Jammu on oct. 2009.
  • 7. Attended CME-cum-workshop on Pharmacovigilance systems and Rational Use of Medicines: An Integrated Approach, held on 26th November, 2010 at Lady Hardinge Medical College and Assoc. Hospital, New Delhi- 110 001, India.
  • 8. Participated in workshop on Clinical Research Methodology organized in Dayanand Medical College, Ludhiana on 4th April, 2012.
  • 9. Delivered a lecture on “Pharmacokinetics in Elderly” on occasion of World Health Day in 2012 held at Acharya Shri Chander College Of Medical Sciences, Jammu 2012.
  • 10. Delivered a lecture on “ Combining drugs for better patient Care : Is it required for pediatric age group , during Pedi-Pharma update 2012 held on march 2012 at Aharya shri Chander College Of Medical Sciences, Jammu.
  • 11. Attended Pedi-Pharma update 2012 held on march 2012 at Acharya shri Chander College Of Medical Sciences, Jammu.
  • 12. Attended National CME- CUM –Workshop organised by J&K State Medical Council on “HIV Tuberculosis Co-infection:An Indian Scenario”at GMC, Jammu held on 15th -16th Nov. 2013.
  • 13. Participated in North ZoneConference/Workshop “Medical Disorders in Menopause” on 15th -16th Nov. 2014 haeld at GMC Jammu.
  • 14. Participated in National CME “ENDO UPDATE-2014” at during Aharya shri Chander College Of Medical Sciences, Jammu held on 8th Feb. 2014.
  • College Of Medical Sciences, Jammu held on 8th Feb. 2014. 15. Attended Dr. R.R.Thukral Midterm conference of IMSA held at ASCOMS&H, Sidhra on 26th April 2014.
  • 16. Attended National CME CUM HANDS ON WORKSHOP on “Alternatives to animal experimentation” held on 13th Sep.2014 at ASCOMS&H Sidhra Jammu.
  • 17. Participated in NZISACON 2014 held on 31st Oct.-2 nd Nov.2014 at ASCOMS&H Sidhra Jammu.
  • 18. Attended a state level conference of IMSA (JK Chapter), Ist J&K Medical Sciences conclave 21st January 2023 held at ASCOMS& H Sidhra Jammu.

  • 1. Tandon VR, Sharma S, Mahajan A, Khajuria V, Kumar
  • 2. Kumar A, Khajuria V, Tandon VR, Kapoor B. Comparative effects of conventional beta blockers and nebivolol on psychomotor performances in healthy volunteers : a preliminary report. Indian J Physiol Pharmacol.2007 Apr-Jun;51(2):183-8.
  • 3. Kumar A, OP Gupta, Pavan Malhotra. Nanotechnology: Its application in biopharmaceutics. The Pharma Review 2009 Dec;7( 42): 74-75.
  • 4. Kumar A, Archana Parihar, Shakti Bala, Geetika Gupta and Pavan Malhotra. Enzymatic modulation as a basis of therapeutics. Sub Himalayan Journal of Health Research2014.jan-jun; 1(1): 29-37.
  • 5. Kumar A and Malhotra P. Vitamin D: Pharmacology of essential micronutrient. Journal of International Medical Sciences Academy 2014; Oct–Dec. 27( 4): 226-228 2014.
  • 6. Raina A, Kumar A, Aneeta Singh A, Gupta G, Malhotra P and Raina SK. A Clinico- Haematological Profile of elderly patients being investigated for anaemia in a tertiary care centre in north- west India. Egyptian Journal of Haematology2014; October-December 39(4): 190-194.
  • 7. Joshi H, Kumar A, Raina SK .A study to evaluate adolescent health problems using focus group discussions. Sub-Himalayan J Health Res 2014;1:12-15.
  • 8. KumarA,MalhotraP,RainaSK. Efficacy and safety of sibutramine in overweight and obese subjects: a prospective single blind randomized placebo controlled study. Sub Himalayan Journal of Health Research2015; January-June 2(I):26-34.
  • 9. Kumar A, Bala S, Malhotra P.Pharmacovigillance:Ensuring safe use of medicines. The Pharma Review mar-Apr 2015;96-108.
  • 10. Bala S,Kumar A, Malhotra P. Assessing the performance of 2nd MBBS students in Pharmacology: A correlational study between various parameters of assessment and the final summative examination outcome, in a medical college in north India (In press)
  • 11. Raina S1, Raman Kumar 2, Dinesh Kumar 1, Raman Chauhan 1, Sujeet Raina 3, Vishav Chander 4, Rajiv Gupta 5, Bhanu Awasthi 6, Rashmi Kaul 7, Rahul Gupta 8, Kumar A 9, Mitasha Singh 10, Harshdeep JoshiGame change in Indian healthcare system through reforms in medical education curriculum focusing primary care- Recommendations of a joint working group Journal of family medicine and family care. J Family Med Prim Care. 2018 May-Jun; 7(3): 489–494.
  • 12. Kumar A, Malhotra A, Malhotra P. Prescribing patterns of antihypertensive drugs: An observational hospital based study in outpatient department of a medical college in north India. JMSCR Volume 08 Issue 01 January 2020
  • 13. Raina SK, Kumar R, Kumar A, Kumar D, Raina S, Gupta R, et al. Broad guidelines for primary care practitioners/standalone private health facilities/frontline healthcare facilities in view of COVID-19 pandemic. J Family Med Prim Care 2021;10:1-9
  • 14. Sharma T, Kaul N, Kumar A, Gupta P , Bhat S , Mehta HS , Pathania BS.A Randomized Controlled Study Of Port Site Closure Using 2-Octyl Cyanoacrylate Versus Conventional Suturing, Post Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy. JK Pract 2021;26(1):19-23


  • ORCID ID: 0009-0001-4534-3221
  • Google scholar
    profile: https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C5 &q=roohi+sharma%2C+pharmacology&btnG=
  • EMAIL: roohisharma07000@gmail.com
  • Mobile: 7006202556

    Dr. Roohi Sharma, is Associate Professor in the Department of Pharmacology in Govt. Medical College, Udhampur. She did her MBBS from Acharya Shri Chander College of Medical Sciences and Post Graduation from MMU, Mullana, Ambala and has Teaching Experience of more than 7 years. She has attended many International & National Conferences, Workshops and Seminars.
    In recognition of her performance she has been awarded 3rd Prize in Paper Presentation at DMC LUDHIANA, ISRPTCON, and has more than 15 Publications (including both International and National and also delivered Paper Presentations. She is Deputy Coordinator, Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring Centre, GMC Udhampur.
    She is EDITOR in International Journal of Pharamacology and Clinical Research, ASSOCIATE EDITOR in International Journal of life Sciences Biotechnology of Pharma research (UK), and also EDITORIAL BOARD MEMBER in International Journal of Academic Medicine & Pharmacy.

    Work Experience:






    Associate Professor

    GMC, Udhampur

    01-07-2023 to till date


    Assistant Professor

    GMC, Udhampur

    11-02-2023 to 30-06-2023


    Assistant Professor

    ASCOMS, Jammu

    01-05-2019 to 10-02-2023



    GMC, Jammu

    10-11-2015 to 14-11-2018


  • 1. Sharma R, Mahajan R. Importance of vitamin D, awareness and prevention of its deficiency among female medical students.2022; 13(5) 05; 1917-1923.
  • 2. Sharma R, Rani S. Assessment of pattern of self-medication in primary dysmenorrhea in medical and nursing students. J Eur.Mol Clin med.2021; 8(1):2457- 2463.
  • 3. Sharma R, Gupta R, Malhota P. Assessment of self medication for Acne in Medical students. . Int J Res Health Allied Sci 2019;5(4):115-118.
  • 4. Rani S, Sharma R. To assess the severity of pain in primary dysmenorrhea among medical and nursing students. . J Eur.Mol Clin med.2021; 8(40:3043-3049.
  • 5. Sharma R, Gupta R. A comparative evaluation of benzoyal peroxide & clindamycin versus tretion and clindamycin in cases of acne vulgaris, 2019; 2(2):25-27.
  • 6. Sharma R, Gupta S. Drug prescription trends in emergency in ICU of tertiary care hospital, Int J Res Health Allied Sci 2018;4(5):1-3.
  • 7. Sharma R, Sharoo M, Tandon V. To determine the pattern of self-medication practices among paramedics in a tertiary care hospital. J Adv Med Dent sci res 2018; 6(10):58-62.
  • 8. Sharma R, Gupta R, Malhota P. Comparison of cyclosporine and betamethasone minipulse therapy in management of alopecia areata2019; 2(2):28-31.
  • 9. Sharma R, Gillani. Assesment of impact on rosuvastatin in patients with copd: a clinical study. J Adv Med Dent Sci Res2018; 6(6):46-48.
  • 10. Sharma R, Gupta R, Malhota. Topical sertaconazole vs topical terbinafine for treatment of tinea corporis and tinea cruris. J Adv Med Dent sci res 2019; 7(8):297- 300.
  • 11. Sharma R, Gupta A. Efficacy of Transdermal patches of buprenorphine and diclofenac in osteoarthritis.2019; 3(4):51-53.
  • 12. Sharma R, Singh R. Assessment of pattern of self medication among children. Journal of Advanced Medical and Dental Sciences Research. 2019; 7(5):167-169.
  • 13. Singh R, Sharma R, A, Javed A. Assessment of outcome of acute respiratory distress syndrome in premature babies in mothers on antenatal corticosteroids.2021; 4(9):39- 41
  • 14. Sharma R, Gupta R, Malhota P. Topical Permethrin 5% cream versus topical benzyl benzoate 25% lotion for scabies: A comparative study.2019; 2(2); 32-34.
  • 15. Sharma R, Gupta R, Malhotra P. Is topical 70% Trichloroacetic acid effective in treating patients with seborrhoeic keratosis?. Int J Res Health Allied Sci 2019; 5(4):112-114.
  • 16. Sharma R, Sambyal V, Gupta B. A comparative evaluation of carbamazepine and gabapentin in patients with idiopathic Trigeminal Neuralgia. J Adv Med Dent Scie Res 2019;7(6):154-157.
  • 17. Sharma R, Gupta R, Malhota P. Assessment of efficacy of methotrexate and acitretin in the management of psoriasis. 2019; 2(2):22-24.

Conferences/Workshop/CME’s/Seminars Attended/&Paper’s/Poster Presented:


    14th Nazisacon 2013 annual conference of indian society of anaesthesiology, mmimsr, mullana,20th to 27th sep 2013.18 hours (Paper Presentation)


    A National conference on current prespectives in pharmacovigilance and drug risk management, 21st to 23rd nov. 2013


    Rational use of medicines and disease management,mm institute of medical sciences.30th june 2014


    International conference ISRPTCON at DMC ludhiana30th jan to 1st feb , 2013.(Paper Presentation)


    1st international virtual Conference,irsl 2014 mmu mullana ambala.


    Indian pharmacological society north zone conference, Recent pharmacological trends for shaping future of drug discovery and development,16th oct to 18th oct, 2014,10 hrs & 30 mins credit hours.


    Biocon 2016.international conference,emerging trends in biomedical research.29th to 30th

    November, 2016 GMC Jammu, 8 credit hours.


    Cardiomersion2012, lifestyle ad surgery,2012 Fortis hospital chandigarh,8 credit hours( Poster Presentation)


    Intergrated approach to comprehensive cardiac care,“hyertension the silent killer’fortis hospial chandigarh,8 credit hours (Poster Presentation)


    Workshop on recent advances in preclinical pharmacology,north zone conferece mmimsr, mullana,16th oct 2014,6 credit hours


    Workshop on good clinical practice on 21st feb 2015,indian society of pharmacology


    Workshop on data 6ovember6on system march 12,2013, mmimsr, mullana


    National CME on mdr/xdr tb, department of respiratory medicine, mmimsr .aug 2013,3 credit hours


    Comprehensive haemophilia care& allied bleeding disorders, cme at Govt medical college jammu.march 2015.


    CME on ethics and medicolegal issues encountered in medical practices organized by deptt of

    surgery at Gmc jammu ,held on 25th November 2023.


    1st j& k medical sciences conclave held at Acharya shri chander college of medical sciences & hospital,jammu.21st jan 2023. 4 credit hours


    1st Annual Conference of Academic society of Pharamacologist of IGIMS Patna ,ASPICON 2023 held on 17th to 19th August 23,Precision Clinical Pharmacology: Future of Rational Therapeutics. (Paper Presentation)


    National CME cum workshop and advance course in Pharmacovigilance and Drug Safety

    organized by ADR Monitoring Centre, GMC Jammu in collb, with IPC and ASCOMS Sidhra, 18th sep, 2021.


    National CME cum workshop and Training on New clinical trial 2019, GLP and IEC ,4th Sep, 2021


    NZISACON 2014 held on 31st Oct.-2nd Nov.2014 at ASCOMS& H Sidhra Jammu.


  • 1. Isrptcon 2013, 2nd international and 5th national conference of indian society for rational pharmacotherapeutics, (dmc ludhiana), 30th jan to 1st feb 2013, 8 credit hours, 3rd prize in paper presentaton.
  • 2. NMC Revised Basic Course Workshop done
  • 3. Successfully Completed Basic Course in Bio Medical Research
  • 4. Moderator on the occasion of Two days State level Management Development Programme for Doctors and other health care professionls held at GMC Udhampur organized by Academy of Hospital Administration, India dated 12th july – 13th july 2023
  • 5. Induction cum Training Programme on Pharmacovigilance Associates organized by NCC-PVPI, Indian Pharmacoepia Comission, Ghaziabad India from 17th -19th october ,2023 in Virtual mode.
  • 6. Deputy Coordinator, Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring Centre GMC, Udhampur

List of Demonstrators:

1.Dr Rachana Raina

  • MBBS, MD Pharmacology
  • Designation: Senior Resident/ Demonstrator
  • Mobile: 9796955531
  • Email: rachanaraina.rr@gmail.com

Educational qualification:







    GMC Jammu


Work Experience:

    S.no                                                         Designation                  
       1 Senior Resident/ Demonstrator, Deptt. of Pharmacology, GMC Udhampur 18th August 2023 - till date

List of Publications:

  • 1. Sharma P, Raina R, Purbi S, Sharma SS. Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of health care workers in Management of Bio – Medical waste : A cross sectional study. Epidemiol. Soc.Heal.Rev.2022; 4(2):48 – 53.
  • 2. Purbi S, Raina R, Sharma P, Sharma SS.A Retrospective study on ICU isolates on Tracheostomy tube and their antimicrobial profile. International J. of Clin. & Health Research 2022;5(2):347- 349.
* Attended many conferences, workshops and CME’s.

2.Dr Sheeraz Sarwar

  • MBBS, MD Pharmacology
  • Designation: Senior Resident/ Demonstrator
  • Mobile: 9796223488
  • Email: sheerazsarwar@gmail.com

Educational qualification:



    GMC Jammu




    GMC Jammu


Work Experience:

    S.no                                                           Designation            Duration
       1 Senior Resident/ Demonstrator, Deptt. of Pharmacology, GMC Udhampur  12th August 2023 - till date

List of Publications:

  • Problems encountered by health care workers while using personal protective equipments kits: An observational Cross sectional study.
* Attended many conferences, workshops and CME’s.

3.Dr Neelam Rani

  • MBBS, MD Pharmacology
  • Designation: Assistant Professor
  • Registration No: MBBS (7694), MD (4157)

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